Are Email and Blog Marketing the same Thing?

Some people seem to think email and blog marketing is the same things. Blog and email marketing are two totally different things. They are two complete different ways to market something, whether it is a product, or a service. You are going to find that just because someone may use email marketing to make an income, does not mean that they always use blog marketing as well.

Blog marketing is when you use a blog to promote a service or a product. You can market the product or service so that it appeals to others, and is something that they might want or need. By using a blog you can get the word out about the product that you are using and let others know all about it. There are several ways to do this. It can be done as simple or as complicated as you want. For example, you can market your blog by exchanging links with other blogs that are relevant to yours. You can also leave comments on other blogs that will in return get you more visitors and readers to your own blog. Don’t forget to update your blog as often as possible as well. As that will make a huge impact on your blog.

Email marketing is when someone uses an email to get the word out about a product or s service. You simply would have your visitors to sign up for newsletters, and then send an email out to all of them that did so. However, you will also find that email marketing is great for many other things than just getting the word out. You can put affiliate links in your newsletters and hope that your readers will sign up under you and you will get a commission for those things.

Marketing in every way is pretty much the same. You have to know who your audience is and who wants what you are selling. Once you know this, the rest of it is cake. Whether you are email marketing, affiliate marketing, or email marketing. Even if you are into marketing offline, the same will apply. You will need to know who wants what you have to sell and you should have no problems selling it.

Blog and email marketing are alike in many ways, but yet also very different. When you are using a blog for marketing, you are going to see that you have to post what you are selling on the blog. But for email marketing, you can use an email to those interested parties. When you use a website to have people opt in to your newsletter for email marketing, you know that you are not sending spam, but something that they requested from your site. This is something that they asked to be sent when they sign up for a newsletter. Where as if you are marketing a blog, you would do this much the same way as you would a website, and get visitors to come to you.

Which ever you prefer, whether it is blog marketing or email marketing you can still get the results that you want and that you are looking for. Just know that it takes time and persistence to achieve what you want, and get it from marketing online. Have patience and regularly update your blog to keep readers coming back.

To Your Success!

Dave Boyt

Web Home Business Cash

Selling Digital Information Products

The easiest way to make money online is by selling a product that can be delivered electronically. There are no shipping or fulfillment costs eating away at your revenue. Electronic products are easy to produce and it is not necessary to get anything published. Another great reason for selling products electronically is that delivery is instant and free. Selling products online is completely automated or hands free. So what type of products can you sell electronically?

Selling software online is excellent because new software is always necessary. Programmers at local colleges come cheap, if you have the funds. If you do not have extra funds, cut them a profit for the first two years. You will still earn more than your expenses.

Writing an eBook is extremely easy. People are constantly looking for information. Finding a nicely packaged info packed eBook is so much easier than doing all the research yourself. These eBooks sell like hot potatoes and you do not have to worry about printing costs or editors.

Starting a newsletter on a highly popular topic will bring in a lot of people quickly. You can have these people submit articles themselves too, which will add to your website content. You just need to make sure the information they send is reputable. Later, you can offer paid subscriptions, advertising, and product promotions on your website which will drive traffic and cash.

Members only web sites offer the customer a service each month or week or day and charge them a fee. As long as you are serving your customers with intensity, you will keep them happy for a very long time. This is very labor intensive but the results are well worth it.

So, as you can see, you could offer a service on your website, such as dog walking or wedding planner, but that would mean that you would need a lot of resources, employees, expenses, etc. Selling an electronic product online is easier for someone just starting out as an entrepreneur.

To Your Success!

Dave Boyt

Web Home Business Cash

Home Business System

Home Business System!

When you are considering starting an online company blogging and selling digital information products, you want to make sure you have a home business system and the first thing is to find  the right product. What do you want to sell? What is your passion? What subject or topic do you have a lot of knowledge about? Let me start by telling you that selling an information product before you spend all your time working on a website and writing up eBooks, you want to be sure that your customers are going to be interested in what you are selling. Do your market research. Start by seeing how many competitors you have -this is a good sign. Read through newsgroups, discussion boards, and chat rooms and learn about your target market customer base. If you already have an email list, send them a survey to see what they are most interested in.

Most internet marketers preach that there are three reasons why a customer will want to buy your product. Your product has solved a problem for your customer. Your product has made life easier or more comfortable for your customer. You are very passionate about your product and it shows in everything you do.

When researching your niche, you may want to use find the current top sellers. Find out what people are reading about. You will want to research keywords with keyword tools such as You need to discover which keywords are being searched for frequently.

Doing a little poking around your competitor’s sites isn’t a bad idea. This is one way to come up with ideas on what would make your company different or better. Take a look at their traffic rankings and their related links. By analyzing this information, you can see how many visitors they have each day and how profitable their company is.

Once you find your passion, ask yourself does this serve my customers. You want to provide an excellent service to each and every person that spends their money with you. This cuts down on complaints, bad reputations, and, worse of all, charge back’s.

To Your Success!

Dave Boyt

Web Home Business Cash